I’ve been working steadily on the cattail project, among other things, but haven’t had time to update my blog. I hope to get ’round to it this winter when things slow down. In the meanwhile, I’d like to refer people to my facebook page, where I’m a bit more diligent about posting photos of recent work. Please visit and give me a like! Thanks.
Also, I’ve put a shopping cart up and now take PayPal. I’m set up to take credit cards too, but you have to call me to make arrangements.
Here are a few of the cattail pieces I’ve made. You might recognize the first two as characters from my animation. Piere makes frames, and I’ve been floating them on various surfaces. Tonight I’ve got a pile of fabric on my table, and I’m looking at linen and other textured fabric, like burlap. I have some hemp charmeuse that’s to die for! Its sheen offsets the metallics nicely.
At some point, I’m going to try the soy wax I just got today. I’m so excited! I rarely make batik these days because the beeswax fumes are so toxic and it’s too hard to get out of the fabric. Soy wax eliminates both issues. You can use it for encaustic too. I just learned about it from some art quilters at the MAP Gathering a few weeks ago.
I’m prepping now for the Union Club show which is coming up in two weeks.