Check out my short film about LOVE!
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Check out my short film about LOVE!
I’m taking a directing class this semester, and the instructor has asked us to write about three art forms that inspire us. This is either the easiest assignment I’ve ever had… or it’s impossible! I haven’t met an art form that doesn’t inspire me! I’ve noticed that my sources of inspiration are as varied and mercurial as the weather, and tend to be affected by whatever I’m doing at the moment. Right now, I’m riding on a bus with a group of about 40 visual artists, returning home from an all-expenses-paid weekend in Jackson Hole where we attended the Western Design Conference. To sell one’s artwork, the Montana Artrepreneurship Program that sponsored the trip recommends focusing on one medium, but I’m highly resistant to this idea. Part of my motivation for studying film is that it combines into one art form so many of the skills and interests I’ve had since I was young.
1. I started singing and dancing when I was a wee tot, but I think of sewing as my first visual art form. I made my first dress in Brownies when I was eight. I went on to make wedding dresses for a living in my early twenties. I was a textile minor in art school the last time around, and I make batiks which uses dyes on fabric. Last semester I had a costume design 2 class, which was a bit like coming home. So it stands to reason that my first example of inspiration would be a dress at the conference made by a Montana artist named Celeste Sotola. Celeste’s entire collection is a marvelous mixture of unexpected textures and materials. We spoke for an hour about her collection, and she showed me a book of personal drawings she was working on for the Smithsonian, with the theme of Native American homesteaders. We discussed their resourcefulness and their poverty. The “broach” on the front of the dress is made of a tin can, but evokes an old-fashioned cameo broach. She calls this example her “burlap dress.” The burlap itself is a modern fabric, but woven openly like burlap, and is layered between the gauzy top layer of organza and underlayment of silk. Burlap was sewn into clothes by pioneers who had no other fabric available. The juxtaposition of lowly burlap with the high art of a wedding dress is very intriguing to me. All of her work is an exquisite fusion of assemblages that evoke surprise and delight.
2. Since my early training in art school was as a painter, I was inspired by many of the paintings I saw this weekend. I’ve chosen these Amy Reinholtz pieces as my second example for several reasons. The gallery in which they were exhibited had hung the work in an interesting and unusual way; from the center of the ceiling rather than against the wall. This gave them a three dimensional aspect. The paintings were backed by matte board panels that were also painted in a loose, abstract manner, with a suggestions of words scattered about. Those factors weren’t the primary reason I was drawn to this artist. It’s also about content and style. The large body of work was a unified collection of wildlife close ups, with a strong sense of color and bold black outlines. What was most striking about these portraits were the eyes, which look directly at the viewer in a most engaging manner, giving each one a distinct, and almost human-like character.
3. With so many artforms to choose from, picking the third is tough. To carry on with the theme of current inspirations from the Design Conference weekend, I’m going to go with cuisine. The final day in Jackson featured a Sunday-in-the-Square food tasting event. Choosing which booth to sample wasn’t easy, since all of the dishes were exquisite miniature paintings that not only pleased the eye, they had the added effect of making my mouth water too. Being in the mood to try something new, and influenced by the extravagance of the location, I finally settled on the lamb confit from the Four Seasons Restaurant. (Besides which, my partner had helped build their resort in 2002, and the Four Seasons itself evoked memories of living in New York. Together, these reasons made it a shoo-in!) I’m not generally big on lamb , but after tasting this, I was definitely glad I had chosen it over the others. During my years in New York, I had worked as a waitress in a number of upscale restaurants, and I even owned a restaurant some years ago, so I’ve eaten some great food in my time. This dish, my friends, was I-have-died-and-gone-to-heaven delicious.
As I was writing this, I noticed something interesting: One thing all my examples have in common is the element of surprise. And who doesn’t like a nice surprise now and again?
What a relief. Now it’s on to other projects. This weekend I’ll be doing another workshop put on by the Montana Arts Council Artrepreneur Program — MAP — where we discuss marketing our work. This has tied in nicely with my work in school building the two websites.
Now the focus will be on on the gallery space; bricks and mortar, paint and light fixtures, getting our hands dirty and creating things in the physical world. I’ve given us two months to pull this together. I’ll be posting progress reports as we move further along.
But first we must take the all-important annual Mother’s Day boat ride!
Happy Mother’s Day to all you moms out there, and to all you guys who take the time to do something sweet for the women in your lives.
I did it! I got all my albums finished. The deadline is tonight at midnight, so I’m in under the wire. I got some very good feedback from the instructor yesterday (thanks Amanda), and I hope others will enjoy looking at the pages, as well. Feel free to leave comments.
One more final project to go for my costume design class, and a presentation on Thursday. Some drawings will be included, which I might render with paint. I’ve got my palette set up and it would be fun.
That will wrap up the semester, and my second year back in school. I’ve learned a lot. Thanks to all who helped. There are many.
Have all my pages up, yahoo! Just have to finish building the albums and tidy up a few things and I’ll be done. The semester will be done too, before you know it, and I’ll be on to construction projects. Oh joy! It’ll actually be a nice change from sitting at the computer all day.
Really happy to have finally done a website, and to have learned so much about HTML and CSS.
Got a print order today too. Nice.
I’ve got one of my photo albums up on my personal site. I hope to have the other 9 done very soon, including an artwork category.
It was interesting to work with java script…
I have thousands of photographs, so the question is how to organize them. It would be nice to put them in different albums by category or theme, but the nice gallery widget I downloaded won’t let me do that unless I pay them $100!
So, instead of using a gallery widget, I created my own on my personal site using a jquery lightbox called “Fancybox.” It’ll be fun to finally get some of my photos out there for people to see.